15 August 2015

ATC Evening Primrose - A Woman's Bestfriend

The red flag is up because it's that time of the month.

Others say that this is the worst time to be around a woman, since she transforms from a very sweet lovely person into an irrational pyscho bitch who would definitely go on rage and would destroy anything which stands in her way! 

Yes, when the red flag is up, this is the time that we lose our super powers. We can't be Wonder Woman or Supergirl if we are having PMS.

What is PMS?

Premenstrual Syndrome is what every girl's nightmare.

It usually occurs every 1-2 weeks before a girl's period. Some feel muscle cramps on the lower abdominal area, having mood swings, being emotional, and even food cravings!

ATC Evening Primrose

Not to worry ladies, we now have a new bestfriend, the ATC Evening Primrose!

Let's get back on track as ATC Evening Primrose relieves premenstrual syndrome and breast tenderness associated with the menstrual cycle. It also helps alleviate hot flashes caused by menopause and reduces symptoms of eczema and dermatitis.

ATC Evening Primrose is available at Mercury Drug and all leading drugstores nationwide for only 6.00PHP per soft gel capsule.

 Say goodbye to PMS with ATC Evening Primrose.

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